VU22553 - Produce advanced engineering drawings for a steel structure
Unit Descriptor
This unit of competency describes the knowledge and skillsThis unit of competency describes the knowledge and skillsrequired to complete typical structural steel drawings inaccordance with accepted practice as outlined in AS1100.501.The unit includes interpreting and applying relevant sections ofAS4100 and Australian Institute of Steel Construction (AISC)Handbook, preforming calculations and preparing dimensioneddetailed structural drawings of steel members in accordancewith job specifications.No licensing, legislative, regulatory or certification requirementsapply to this unit at the time of publication.
Employability Skills
This unit contains employability skills.
Application of the Unit
This unit of competency applies to a person working atThis unit of competency applies to a person working atparaprofessional level in a civil engineering environment wheredrawings of steel structures are prepared.
ELEMENT Elements describe the essential outcomes of a unit of competency. Elements describe actions or outcomes that are demonstrable and assessable. |
PERFORMANCE CRITERIA Performance criteria describe the required performance needed to demonstrate achievement of the element – they identify the standard for the element. Where bold / italicized text is used, further information or explanation is detailed in the required skills and knowledge and/or the range statement. Assessment of performance is to be consistent with the evidence guide. |
1. Identify steel structure toIdentify steel structure tobe drawn |
1.1 Occupational Health and Safety/Workplace Healthand Safety (OHS/WHS) requirements for a given workarea are determined. 1.2 Drawings, relevant documentation and work requests areidentified and discussed with appropriate personnel. 1.3 Appropriate personnel are consulted to ensure the work isco-ordinated effectively with others involved at the worksite. 1.4 Resources and equipment needed for the task areobtained in accordance with enterprise procedures andchecked for correct operation and safety. |
2. Plan drafting approach |
2.1 Project specifications and related documentation requiredfor the drawings are collected and analysed. 2.2 Relevant sections of the AISC handbook and AS4001 areanalysed and calculations preformed as required. 2.3 Drafting references and equipment are set up available tocomplete the design and detailed drawings in accordancewith enterprise procedures and manufacturer’srequirements. |
3. Complete the drawings |
3.1 Drafting references and equipment are used according tomanufacturer’s manuals and enterprise procedures. 3.2 Drawings of steel structural and individual componentsare completed to conform with Australian drafting andsteel structure standards, AISC Handbook requirementsand relevant building codes. 3.3 Decisions for dealing with unexpected situations aremade from discussions with appropriate personnel, jobspecifications and enterprise procedures. 3.4 Methods for dealing with unexpected situations areselected on the basis of safety and specified workoutcomes. 3.5 Final drawings are reviewed with appropriated personneland against job specifications and amended as required. |
4. Present and archive finalPresent and archive finaldrawings. |
4.1 Drafting references and equipment are maintained andstored in accordance with enterprise procedures. 4.2 Drawings are presented and to appropriate personnelaccordance with enterprise procedures. 4.3 Drawings are stored and archived according to enterpriseprocedures. |
This describes the essential skills and knowledge and their level required for this unit.
Required Skills
- consulting and communicating with other project personnel
- identifying and following relevant OHS/WHS procedures
- using steel section tables
- applying relevant data from AS 4100
- performing calculations to determine span, beam sizes, spacing, footing plates
- extracting relevant information and data from the AISC Handbook
- producing structural steel drawing which include:
- plans, sections, elevations and details
- use symbols, terminology, line-work and lettering
- data and dimensioning
- weld types
- protective coating specifications
- construction requirements as per AS 4100
Required knowledge:
- section tables:
- universal beams
- universal columns
- parallel flange channels
- taper flange channels
- equal angles
- unequal angles
- rolled hollow sections
- data from AS 4100 and design capacity tables for structural steel in the selection and specification of bolts and welds
- structural steel members using plans, sections, elevations and details for:
- braced frames
- portal frames
- trusses
- design data for:
- tension members
- compression members
- beams
- shear connections
- moment connections
- drawing standards for:
- symbols
- terminology
- linework
- lettering
- detailing of:
- structural steel members
- connections
- base plates
- bracing
- dimensioning:
- centre of gravity lines
- gauge lines
- edge distances
- bolt pitches
- hole sizes
- weld types
- fillet welds
- butt welds
- protective coatings:
- organic
- inorganic
- galvanised
- construction requirements:
- as per AS4100
The Range Statement relates to the unit of competency as a whole. It allows for different work environments and situations that may affect performance. Bold / italicised wording in the Performance Criteria is detailed below.
OHS/WHS requirements may include, but are not limited to:
- legislation
- protective equipment
- material safety management systems
- hazardous substances and dangerous goods code
- local safe operation procedures
- awards provisions
Appropriate personnel may include:
- supervisor
- leading hand
- foreman
- manager
- site engineer
- trainer
- mentor
- teacher
- team member
Resources and equipment may include, but are not limited to:
- drafting equipment
- manual
- computer aided
- specifications
- manuals
- standards
- catalogues
- stationary
- calculators
Enterprise procedures may include but are not limited to:
- the use of tools and equipment
- instructions, including job sheets, plans, drawings
- reporting and communication
- manufacturers' specifications and operational procedures
EVIDENCE GUIDE The evidence guide provides advice on assessment and must be read in conjunction with the Elements, Performance Criteria, Required Skills and Knowledge, the Range Statement and the Assessment section in Section B of the Accreditation Submission. |
Critical aspects for assessment and evidence required to demonstrate competency in this unit |
Context of and specific resources for assessment |
Methods of assessment |
For valid and reliable assessment of this unit, evidence should be gathered through a range of methods to indicate consistent performance.