




Design basic industrial Ethernet networks


This unit describes the performance outcomes, skills and knowledge required to design basic switched Ethernet networks.

The unit of competency is applied by technicians who maintain Ethernet networks in an industrial environment, and/or design small-scale alterations/extensions to existing Ethernet networks.

No licensing, legislative, regulatory or certification requirements apply to this unit at the time of publication.


Elements describe the outcome of a unit of competency.


Performance criteria describe the performance needed to demonstrate achievement of the element.

1.    Use fundamental techniques in arithmetic, measurement and mensuration.

1.1.      Capture and analyse Ethernet frames

1.2.      Establish the differences between V2(Bluebook) and IEEE 802.3 frames

1.3.      Determine the differences between CSMA/CD and full-duplex

2.    Use fundamental techniques in geometry

2.1.      Determine nature and scope of the network design from job brief and/or supervisor

2.2.      Design brief is developed and documented in consultation with the supervisor or client

2.3.      Strategies are implemented to ensure network development follows relevant industry standards

3.    Design the networks

3.1.      Design a simple 1Gbps/10Gbps switched Ethernet LAN with a connection to the cloud (E1)

3.2.      Design a simple redundant switched Ethernet network (IEC62439-2; either PRP or HSR) as per the design brief

3.3.      Determine network resources according to project requirements and topology design

4.    Complete and document the network design

4.1.      Create bill of material for the networks

4.2.      Create CAD drawings of the networks

4.3.      Document the network design in accordance with corporate requirements


Foundation skills essential to performance are explicit in the performance criteria of this unit of competency.


No equivalent unit.



Assessment requirements for DPEETH603 – Design basic industrial Ethernet networks


To achieve competency in this unit a person must satisfy the requirements of the elements and performance criteria included in the unit. The person must also:

  • design an Ethernet network using star topology
  • add an E1 WAN connection to a switched LAN design
  • source required components for industrial Ethernet systems
  • capture Ethernet frames with a protocol analyser
  • analyse Ethernet header fields
  • document technical requirements and procedures
  • interpret technical specifications and related documentation
  • read technical reports and incorporate findings in designs
  • liaise with internal and external personnel

Note: If a specific volume or frequency is not stated, then evidence must be provided at least once.


To achieve competency in this unit a person must satisfy the requirements of the elements and performance criteria included in the unit. This includes knowledge of:

  • Legacy (10 Mbps) Ethernet variants
  • Common network topologies
  • Ethernet frame attributes
  • MAC addresses
  • Bluebook (V2) vs. IEEE 802.3 frames
  • CSMA/CD operation
  • Full-duplex operation
  • Common Ethernet variants (100 Mbps, 1 Gbps, 10 Gbps)
  • Legacy networking devices (repeaters, hubs, bridges)
  • Modern networking devices (switches, routers, gateways, terminal servers)
  • Single and dual redundant switch rings
  • Vendor-specific redundant ring implementations
  • IEC 62439-3 Clause 4 Parallel Redundancy Protocol (PRP)
  • IEC 62439-3 Clause 4 High Availability Seamless Redundancy (HSR)
  • Industrial Ethernet (deterministic operation, hardened devices, Intrinsic Safety (IEC Ex.ia), Power over Ethernet (PoE), packaging, conformal coating
  • Using a protocol analyser to capture Ethernet frames (packets)
  • Analysing Ethernet headers


Simulators may be used for the assessment.

There are no specific industry mandated conditions for this assessment.

All assessment must be completed in accordance with work health and safety standards

Assessor Requirements:
Assessors must:

  • hold the appropriate assessor competency standards as outlined in regulations; and
  • be able to demonstrate vocational competencies at least to the level being  assessed; and
  • be able demonstrate how they are continuing to develop their VET knowledge and skills as well as maintaining their industry currency and assessor competence 

