Last Updated | 2025S1 |
Unit Name | Signal Processing |
Unit Code | BEE212 |
Unit Duration | 1 Semester |
Award |
Bachelor of Science (Engineering) Duration 3 years |
Year Level | Two |
Unit Coordinator BEE Course Coordinator |
Saeideh Sekhavat Dr Hossein Tafti |
Core/Sub-discipline: | Sub-discipline |
Pre/Co-requisites | N/A |
Credit Points |
3 Total Course Credit Points 81 (27 x 3) |
Mode of Delivery | Online or on-campus. |
Unit Workload | (Total student workload including “contact hours” = 10 hours per week) Pre-recordings / Lecture – 1.5 hours Tutorial – 1.5 hours Guided labs / Group work / Assessments – 2 hours Personal Study recommended – 5 hours |
Unit Description and General Aims
The objective in presenting this unit is to impart to students the principles and application of analogue and digital signal processing. The subject matter covered in this unit will include: continuous time and discrete time signals and systems, time-domain and frequency-domain analysis, analogue and digital filters, and the use of MATLAB in signal processing.
Learning Outcomes
On successful completion of this Unit, students are expected to be able to:
- Explain the differences between analogue and digital signal processing and their applications.
Bloom's Level 2 - Analyse continuous time signals and systems in the time and frequency domain.
Bloom's Level 4 - Analyse discrete time signals and systems in the time and frequency domain.
Bloom's Level 3 - Evaluate when to apply and apply Laplace, Fourier, and z Transforms.
Bloom's Level 3 - Design analogue filters.
Bloom's Level 6 - Design digital filters.
Bloom's Level 6 - Use software tools for signal processing.
Bloom's Level 3
Student Assessment
Assessment Type | When assessed | Weighting (% of total unit marks) | Learning Outcomes Assessed |
Assessment 1 Type: Weekly quizzes Description: Students will need to complete multiple-choice quiz questions to demonstrate a good understanding of the fundamental concepts. |
Weekly | 10% | All (Topics 2 to 11) |
Assessment 2 Type: Test (Invigilated) Description: Students will need to answer some short and/or long answer questions and/or solve some numerical problems. |
During Topic/Week 7 | 20% | 1, 2, 4 (Topics 1 to 6) |
Assessment 3 Type: Practical (Report) & Pre-recorded Presentation Description: Students will need to complete a practical project using software. It requires research on the state-of-art solutions in the field. |
End of Topic/Week 9 | 30% | 1, 2, 3, 4 (Topics 1 to 9) |
Assessment 4 Type: Exam (Invigilated) Description: An examination with a mix of theoretical short/detailed answer questions and some engineering problems. |
Exam Week | 40% | All (All topics) |
Overall Requirements: Students must achieve a result of 50% or above in the exam itself to pass the exam and must pass the exam to be able to pass the unit. An overall final unit score of 50% or above must be achieved to pass the unit once all assessment, including the exam, has been completed.
Prescribed and Recommended Readings
- L. F. Chaparro, A. Akan, Signals and Systems Using MATLAB® (3rd Edition). Elsevier, 2019 - ISBN: 9780128142042 [available on Knovel]
- IDC Technologies, Practical Digital Signal Processing Systems for Engineers and Technicians, IDC Technologies, Perth.
- T. K. Rawat, Digital Signal Processing. Oxford University Press, 2015 - ISBN: 9780198081937 [available on Knovel]
Notes and Reference texts
- Knovel library:
- IDC notes and Reference texts as advised
- Other material advised during the lectures
Unit Content
Topic 1
Introduction to Signal Processing
- Importance of signal processing in industry – introductory examples
- Concepts of continuous and discrete signals and systems
- Broad classification of systems and signals
- Introduction of software tools used in signal processing: Python, R & MATLAB
Topic 2
Continuous Time Signals
- Classification of signals
- Representation of continuous time signals
- Time scaling
- Modulation
- Windowing
- Integration
Topic 3
Continuous Time Systems
- Classification of systems
- Linear Time Invariant continuous time systems
- Convolution integral
- Impulse response and convolution integral
- Interconnection of systems and block diagrams
Topic 4
Laplace Transforms
- Applications in signal processing
- Transfer functions of LTI systems
- Analysis of LTI systems: steady state and transient analysis
- Use of software tool for LTI system simulation
Topic 5
Frequency Analysis
- Fourier series in signal processing
- Fourier transforms in signal processing
- Spectral representation
- Use of software tool for frequency analysis
Topic 6
Analogue Filters
- Basics of filtering
- Convolution and filtering
- Ideal filters
- Frequency response from poles and zeros
- The spectrum analyzer
- Butterworth and Chebyshev filter design
- Frequency transformation
- Use of software tool for filter design
Topic 7
Sampling Theory
- Uniform sampling
- Signal reconstruction
- Sample and hold sampling
- Quantization and coding
Topic 8
Discrete Time Signals and Systems
- Discrete time signals
- Discrete time systems
- Use of software tool for discrete time signals and systems
Topic 9
The Z-Transform
- Laplace transform of sampled signals
- Z-transform properties
- Inverse transform
- Use of software tool for applying z-transforms
Topic 10
Discrete Fourier Analysis
- DTFT (Discrete Time Fourier Transform) in signal processing
- DFT (Discrete Fourier Transform) in signal processing
- Computation using FFT (Fast Fourier Transform)
- Use of Software tools for Fourier analysis
Topic 11
Digital Filters
- FIR (Finite Impulse Response) filters
- IIR (Infinite Impulse Response) filters
- Use of software tool for digital filter design
Topic 12
Project and Unit Review
In the final week, students will have an opportunity to review the contents covered so far. Opportunity will be provided for a review of student work and to clarify any outstanding issues. Instructors/facilitators may choose to cover a specialized topic if applicable to that cohort.
Software/Hardware Used
- N/A
Unit Changes Based on Student Feedback
- The assessment structure is updated based on the action items of the Learning and Teaching Committee (Dec 2024)