Version | 1.3 |
Unit Name | Data Analytics and Artificial Intelligence |
Unit Code | BIA206 |
Unit Duration | 1 Term |
Award |
Bachelor of Science (Engineering) Duration 3 years |
Year Level | Two |
Unit Creator / Reviewer | Dr. Imtiaz Madni and Dr. Akhlaqur Rahman |
Common/Stream : | Stream |
Pre/Co-requisites | N/A |
Credit Points |
3 Total Course Credit Points 81 (27 x 3) |
Mode of Delivery | Online or on-campus. |
Unit Workload | (Total student workload including “contact hours” = 10 hours per week) Pre-recordings / Lecture – 1.5 hours Tutorial – 1.5 hours Guided labs / Group work / Assessments – 2 hours Personal Study recommended – 5 hours |
Unit Description and General Aims
This unit explores aspects of Artificial Intelligence and Data Science using computer science programming language such as Python. Machine learning and data science, as tools for artificial intelligence, are some of the most widely adopted scientific fields. The purpose of this unit is to provide the most important aspects of artificial intelligence and machine learning by presenting series of comprehensive yet simple lectures and tutorials using Python programming language. This unit includes hands-on guiding lectures with practical case studies of data analysis problems effectively. Students will learn data analysis, regressions, clustering, neural networking, etc. by using pandas, NumPy, IPython, and Jupiter in the Process.
Learning Outcomes
On successful completion of this Unit, students are expected to be able to:
- Explain data analysis models, and their advantages and disadvantages.
Bloom’s Level 2 - Analyse datasets with the machine learning techniques.
Bloom’s Level 4 - Analyse datasets with the concepts of deep learning and artificial neural networks.
Bloom’s Level 4 - Write scripts and applications for the analysis of streaming data.
Bloom’s Level 4 - Evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of deep learning neural network architectures.
Bloom’s Level 5 - Explain how to develop AI systems to meet business, organizational, and technology requirements.
Bloom’s Level 6 - Solve real-world problems in organizational processes and workflows by applying critical thinking, problem-solving, and cognitive computing skills.
Bloom’s Level 6
Student assessment
Assessment Type | When assessed | Weighting (% of total unit marks) | Learning Outcomes Assessed |
Assessment 1 Type: Weekly Quizzes (Topic 2-11) Students may complete a quiz with MCQ type answers and solve some simple equations to demonstrate a good understanding of the fundamental concepts. |
Due after Topic 3 | 10% | All |
Assessment 2 Type: Test (Invigilated) Example Topic: Machine learning, data processing, visualization, regression. Students may provide solutions to simple problems on the listed topics. |
Due after Topic 6 | 20% | 1, 2 |
Assessment 3 Type: Report (Final Project) [If a continuation of the midterm, this should complete the report by adding sections on: methodology, implementation / evaluation, verification / validation, conclusion / challenges and recommendations / future work. If this is a new report, all headings from the midterm and the final reports must be included.] Word length: 2000 Topic examples: AI methods, applications, and algorithms. |
Due after Topic 9 | 25% | 3, 4, 5 |
Assessment 4 Type: Exam (Invigilated) Examples: Create new applications using Machine Learning, Deep Learning, and Computer Vision. Create forecasting analysis using AI tools and predict future orders. Automatically make standalone web documents and presentations using Python Bokeh. |
Final Week | 40% | All |
Tutorial Attendance & Participation Description: Attendance, presentation, discussion, group work, exercises, self-assessment/reflection, case study analysis, application. |
Continuous | 5% | All |
Overall requirements: Students must achieve a result of 50% or above in the exam itself to pass the exam and must pass the exam to be able to pass the unit. An overall final unit score of 50% or above must be achieved to pass the unit once all assessment, including the exam, has been completed.
Prescribed and Recommended Readings
- A. Subasi, Elsevier 2020, Practical Machine Learning for Data Analysis Using Python, ISBN 978-0-12-821379-7. Online version available at:
- Jake VanderPlas, O'Reilly Media, Inc. 2022, Python Data Science Handbook, 2nd Edition, ISBN: 978-1-491-91205-8
- Vlayutham, Sathiyamoorthi, IGI Global 2020, Handbook of Research on Application and Implementations of Machine Learning Techniques, ISBN 978-1-5225-9902-9. Online version available at:
- Alex Galea, 2018, Beginning Data Science with Python and Jupyter, Packt Publishing Ltd. ISBN 978-1-78953-202-9.
- Brian Heinold, 2012, A Practical Introduction to Python Programming, Department of Mathematics and Computer Science Mount St. Mary’s University.
- Rashid Khan, Anik Das, 2018, Build Better Chatbots, A Complete Guide to Getting Started with Chatbots, Springer, ISBN-13 (electronic): 978-1-4842-3111-1.
Notes and Reference texts:
- Knovel library:
- IDC notes and Reference texts as advised
- Other material advised during the lectures
Unit Content
One topic is delivered per contact week, with the exception of part-time 24-week units, where one topic is delivered every two weeks.
Topic 1
Python and Data Science Basics Quick Review
- Data types, Strings, Lists, Dictionaries
- Flow control and loops
- Conditional statements, objects, classes, plots
- Python vs R
- Data Analysis vs Data Science vs Machine Learning
Topic 2
Data Processing and Visualization
- Working with Jupyter notebooks, Pandas, NumPy
- Processing data, texts, and csv files
- Feature selection from data
- Processing information from online and internal data sources
- Goal and objectives of visualization
- Visualization with Matplotlib and pycharts
Topic 3
Introduction to Machine Learning
- Linear regression
- Overfitting and underfitting
- Regularization
- Cross-validation
- Developing a machine learning model
- Applications of Data Mining
Topic 4
Supervised Machine Learning
- Decision trees
- K-Nearest neighbors
- Naïve bayes
- Logistic regression
- Support vector machines
Topic 5
Unsupervised Machine Learning
- Clustering
- Principal components analysis
- Neural network overview
- Convolutional neural networks
- Autoencoders
- Recurrent neural networks
Topic 6
Search with Artificial Intelligence (AI)
- Finding the best route from origin to destination
- Agents, state, actions
- Transition model as a function
- State space by sequence of actions and directed graphs
- Goal tests and path costs
Topic 7
Knowledge and Conclusions in AI
- Knowledge-based agents and sentences
- Propositional logics and symbols
- Logic connectives, Implication, Biconditional
- Knowledge-based models
- Inference and knowledge engineering
- Modus ponens, elimination, double negation, De Morgan’s law, etc.
Topic 8
AI for Uncertainty and Probability
- Possible worlds scenario and axioms in probability
- Unconditional and conditional probability
- Random variables and independence
- Baye’s rule and joint probability
- Probability rules: Negation, inclusion-exclusion, marginalization
- Bayesian networks, inference, sampling
- Markov’s models, assumptions, and chains
Topic 9
Optimization of AI Algorithms
- Local search
- Hill climbing
- Simulated annealing
- Linear programming and constraint satisfaction
- Node and arc consistencies
- Backtracking search
Topic 10
Neural Networks
- Activation functions
- Neural network structures
- Stochastic and mini-batch gradient descent
- Multilayer neural networks
- Back propagation and overfitting
- Tensor flow
Topic 11
Computer Vision and Image Processing
- Computer vision and image convolution
- Convolutional neural networks
- Deep learning for computer vision
- Image classification and retrieval
- Object detection
- Semantic segmentation
Topic 12
Project and Unit Review
In the final week, students will have an opportunity to review the contents covered so far and will be engaged in practical engagement mini projects. Opportunity will be provided for a review of student work and to clarify any outstanding issues. Instructors/facilitators may choose to cover a specialized topic if applicable to that cohort.
Software/Hardware Used
Software: Pytorch, KNIME, Apache Mahout, MATLAB
Version: N/A
Instructions: N/A
Additional resources or files: N/A
- N/A