Last Updated | S022023 |
Unit Code | DENG602 |
Unit Duration | 12 weeks |
Award |
Doctor of Engineering Duration: 3 years |
Year Level | One |
Unit Coordinator | Dr. Arti Siddhpura |
Core/Sub-Discipline: | Core |
Pre/Co-requisites | N/A |
Credit Points |
4 Total Program Credit Points 120 |
Mode of Delivery | Online or on-campus. |
Unit Workload |
10 hours per week: Lecture - 1 hour Tutorial - 1 hour Assessments / Practical / Lab - 1 hour (where applicable) Personal Study recommended - 7 hours (guided and unguided) |
Unit Description and General Aims
This unit is a foundation unit for the professional doctorate. Technology, its evaluation and potential intellectual property implications are critical for the candidate in his/her professional life. The unit presents the complexities of Intellectual Property and the care that is required in handling and using information and data. The content is broad and the key learning outcomes will stand the student in good stead as she progresses in her career. Integrated into the intellectual property content is an appropriate technology selection as it is important for every organisation.
Learning Outcomes
On successful completion of this Unit, students are expected to be able to:
1. Evaluate patents and copyrights in terms of Australian and International Law
Bloom’s Level 5
2. Appraise the legal framework for Intellectual Property in an engineering context
Bloom’s Level 5
3. Evaluate appropriate technology for a specific (mainly industrial) context/application
Bloom’s Level 5
4. Compose and present at an advanced level technical reports on technology evaluation and IP.
Bloom’s Level 6
Student assessment
Assessment Type
When assessed | Weighting (% of total unit marks) | Learning Outcomes Assessed (Topics covered) |
Assessment 1 Type: Research-based report Word length: n/a Topic: Case studies test the ability of the student to carry out the literature search, construct logical arguments, and understand and analyse research ethics. |
After topic 2 | 15% |
1 (Topics 1 - 2) |
Assessment 2 Type: Long Answer Questions Questions that test the ability of the student to construct logical arguments, and apply Australian and international law to the analysis of patents and IP. |
After topic 5 | 15% |
2 (Topics 2 - 5) |
Assessment 3 Type: Report and presentation - Analysis of IP Cases A detailed synthesis or evaluation of two case studies highlighting issues discussed during the tutorials and a presentation of one of the two cases |
After topic 7 | 35% |
2, 3 (Topics 4 - 7) |
Assessment 4 Type: Research-based reports covering various aspects including research ethics, patent application, patents infringement, copyrights and IP valuation and commercialization. |
Final week | 35% |
3, 4 (Topics 5 - 12) |
Prescribed and Recommended Readings
Required textbook(s)
- Davison, Mark J., et al. Australian Intellectual Property Law, Cambridge University Press, 2008
- Irish, Vivien. (2005). Intellectual Property Rights for Engineers (2nd Edition). Institution of Engineering and Technology.
- Intellectual Property in Academia : A Practical Guide for Scientists and Engineers, edited by Nadya Reingand, Taylor & Francis Group, 2011.
Reference Materials
Number of peer-reviewed journals and websites as advised below (and during lectures);
- Baura, Gail D.. Engineering Ethics : An Industrial Perspective, Elsevier Science & Technology, 2006.
- D'Angelo, John G.. Ethics in Science : Ethical Misconduct in Scientific Research, Second Edition, Taylor & Francis Group, 2018.
- Oliver, Paul. EBOOK: the Student's Guide to Research Ethics, McGraw-Hill Education, 2010
- Howard B. Rockman, Intellectual Property Law for Engineers and Scientists , IEEE, 2004, pp.i-xxviii, doi: 10.1002/0471697400.fmatter.
- Mcbratney, A., & Tarr, J. (2010). Faculty and employee ownership of inventions in australia. Nature Biotechnology, 28(10), 1019-22.
- Ethics Toolkit,
- Intellectual Property: Law and the information society, Cases and Materials, available in the public domain at [Please respect copyright]
- Intellectual Property: Law and the information society, Cases and Materials, available in the public domain at [Please respect copyright]
- MIT open Course, [An excellent source, and please be mindful of copyright] [ Additional readings are also provided]
- Other material to be advised during the lectures
Unit Content
One topic is delivered per contact week, with the exception of 24-week units, where one topic is delivered every two weeks.
Topic 1
Introduction to Integrity and Ethics in Research
- What is Engineering Ethics?
- Ethical Theories
- Engineering Ethic Codes
- Ethics and Research Aims
- Moral Justification of Research
Topic 2
Ethical Misconduct in Scientific Research and Penalties for Research Misconduct
- What Constitutes Scientific Misconduct
- Crimes against science and other researchers
- Other types of violations
- Bad Ethics vs Bad science
- New results that prove old results wrong
- Penalties for committing research misconduct
Topic 3
Overview of Intellectual Property Law
- The nature of Intellectual Property
- Theory of Intellectual Property
- Intellectual Property Regimes
- Passing off
- Registered Trade Marks
- Copyrights and related Rights
- Designs
- Confidential Information
- Patents
- Plant Breeder’s Rights
- Trademarks and Service Marks
- Copyrights
- Trade Secrets
- Impact of New Technology
- Internationalisation of Intellectual Property
- Intellectual Property law in Australia
Topic 4
Introduction to Patents
- Introduction
- Brief History of Patent Protection
- Early European Patent Custom.
- British Patent System.
- The U.S. Constitution and the Development of the Present U.S. Patent Examination System
- Development of Patent law in Australia
- Rationales of Patent Protection
- Types of Patent
- Standard and Innovation Patents
- Patents of Addition
- Selection Patents
- Combination Patents
- What can be patented?
- Article or Apparatus Patent
- Method or process patent
- Design Patent
- Plant Patent
- New Technologies
- What cannot be patented?
- A discovery, scientific theory or mathematical method
- Aesthetic Creations
- Mental Concepts
- Presentation of Information
- Computer Programs
- Immoral Innovations
- Other Exclusions
- The invention must be new
- The invention must not be obvious
Topic 5
The Patenting Process
- Types of Application
- Convention Application
- PCT Application
- Divisional Application
- Procedure for Obtaining a Standard Patent
- The Application
- Pre-Examination
- Examination
- Acceptance and Publication
- Opposition
- Re-Examination
- Grant
- Processing an application for an Innovation Patent
- Patent Term
- Requirement of claims to Have a Priority Date
- The Role of Priority Dates
- Withdrawal and Lapsing of Applications
- International Aspect
- Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property 1883
- TRIPS (1994)
- The Budapest Treaty 1977
- European Patent Convention (1973)
- Patent Law Treaty (2000)
- Australia–USA Free Trade Agreement 2004
- Patent Cooperation Treaty
Topic 6
Patents: IPR and ownership
- Entitlement to apply
- Criteria for Inventorship
- Entitled to have patent assigned to person on grant
- Ownership and Co-ownership
- Employee Inventions
- Crown Use of Patents for inventions
- UWA vs. Gray Case
- Ownership Rights and Bayh – Dole in USA
- Introduction to the Patent Law of Universities
- The History and Ethics of University Patent Law Policy
- The Bayh-Dole Act
Topic 7
Patent Exploitation, Infringement and revocation
- The role of the patent specification
- General principles for construction of patent specification
- Claim construction
- Exclusive rights of the patentee
- Direct infringement
- Contributory infringement
- Defences to infringement
- Infringement proceedings
- Relief for infringement
- Non-infringement declarations
- Unjustified threats of infringement proceedings
- Revocation of patents
Topic 8
- Introduction
- History
- Types of Copyright
- Ownership and Duration of Copyright
- Marking
- Moral Rights
- Copyright Use and misuse
- Copyright Internationally - General and Non-Technical Works
- Technical Copyright
- Exploitation of Copyright
- Direct and Indirect Infringement of Copyright
Topic 9
Registered Trademarks
- Introduction
- History
- Registrable Trade Marks
- Unregistered Trade Marks, 'Get-up' and 'Passing-off'
- Functions of trade marks
- Overview of the registration process
- Definition of a trade mark
- Overview of Infringement of Trademarks
- Trademark Infringement and Internet
Topic 10
Practical Framework for IP Valuation
- Introduction
- Definitions
- The Valuation Principle
- Features of IP Valuation in Academia
- Cyclic nature of Inventions and Technologies
- Life Cycles
- Diffusion Model
- Innovation and Imitation Coefficient
- Multiple Sales to the Same Customer
- Value and the Internal Structure of the Invention
- Review of the Valuation Methods
- Practice
- Tracking the Market Dynamics
- Market Potential
- Valuation without uncertainty
- Employing Uncertainty
- Estimating Value of the IP Project
- Hands-on Valuation
Topic 11
Commercializing Inventions through an Office of Technology Transfer
- Typical Mission and Standard Operating Procedures of an Office of Technology Transfer
- Invention Disclosure Submission and Evaluation
- Working with a Patent Attorney on the Patent Application Draft
- Commercializing the Invention
- Post-licensing Activities
Topic 12
Case studies/ Presentations/ Unit Review
- University Patent Case Studies: Some Patents Hang on the Wall, Others Go to Work
- National and Individual Case Studies
- Ethics Violation Case Studies
Software/Hardware Used
- Software: N/A
- Version: N/A
- Instructions: N/A
- Additional resources or files: N/A
- N/A