Last Updated | S022023 |
DEng 802
Unit Name | Doctoral Dissertation Research Paper 1 |
Unit Code | DENG802 |
Unit Duration | 12 weeks |
Award |
Doctor of Engineering Duration 3 years |
Year Level | Two |
Unit Coordinator | Dr Milind Siddhpura & Dr Ana Evangelista |
Core/Sub-Discipline: | Core |
Pre/Co-requisites | Successful completion of all 600 and 700 level units |
Credit points |
Total Program Credit Points 120 |
Mode of Delivery | Online or on-campus. |
Unit Workload |
20 hours per week: Supervisor/advisor consultations minimum 6 hours throughout the semester (e.g. roughly 30 minutes per week) Personal Study recommended – 19.5 hours/week (guided and unguided) |
Unit Description and General Aims
Clear and accurate communication of ideas and outcomes is critical to the advancement of engineering science and its application for the betterment of humanity. This criticality is shown most in the communication of research outcomes to the wider engineering community. Research and development of new techniques, ideas, processes, materials, analytical tools, and the like have been fundamental to the development of our advanced economies and societies, and communication of that R&D most often takes place through conferences and journal articles.
This unit develops the skills of the candidate in technical writing, with a particular emphasis on preparing a conference paper in collaboration and co-authorship with an expert colleague. The primary source of the content of the paper will be the research undertaken in DEng700 (Research Project Proposal), but the unit will also draw upon skills obtained through units DEng602 and DEng603. The DEng700 (Research Project Proposal) unit required preparation of a report, whereas the present unit DEng802 provides the candidate with their first opportunity to present some of the key findings from that Research Project in a recognised formal conference paper. It is a crucial part of the assessment in this unit that the paper is in a form ready for submission to an engineering conference at least at a national level, and which involves peer review.
Though the paper will be co-authored with someone who has proven expertise in publishing technical engineering papers, it is important that the candidate undertakes all of the work in preparing and writing the paper. The role of the candidate’s co-author is intended to be as a guide, mentor, advisor and reviewer prior to submission.
The quality of writing and presentation in the paper will be fundamental to the outcome of assessment in this unit. The candidate will be writing for a very experienced, technically expert audience with high standards and expectations for the papers presented to them in conference proceedings.
Learning Outcomes
On successful completion of this Unit, students are expected to be able to:
- Contrast, express and demonstrate the differences between conference and journal papers.
Bloom’s Level 2
- Analyse and describe the differences between the styles of technical writing needed for papers, vs writing for dissertations, for business operations and for formal advanced academic technical reports.
Bloom’s Level 4
- Compose a (co-authored) paper (with a colleague) suitable for publication in at least a local technical conference by drawing on one’s research outcomes
Bloom’s Level 6
Student assessment
Assessment Type |
When assessed |
Weighting (% of total unit marks) |
Learning Outcomes Assessed |
Assessment 1 Type: Draft Paper Submission Submit a draft of your paper (as a report on Turnitin) using the same dissertation topic with at least 25% of the text completed, together with the completed and detailed heading structure, and a full reference list with all bibliographic details shown correctly. The draft paper must be based on an appropriate template. Each conference/journal has its own template and it needs to be downloaded from the conference/journal website. Need to submit the draft paper in: Moodle (submit as a report on Turnitin). Assessment will be marked by the principal supervisor based on a pre-set rubric. |
During Week/Topic 8 |
30% |
1, 2, 3 |
Assessment 2 Type: Presentation (20 mins presentation + Q&A, Feedback) Student needs to present their research topic in a live online presentation with their supervisor/s. The presentation slides should be based on the template provided in Moodle. Assessment will be marked by the principal supervisor based on a pre-set rubric. |
During Meeting 5 (During Week/Topic 10) |
20% |
3 |
Assessment 3 Type: Final Paper Submission The completed, polished conference paper is to be submitted and ready for assessment and publication. Because this is a co-authored paper, the assessment will include consideration of the degree and regularity of consultation with the supervisor and collaboration with the co-author, throughout the operation of this unit. The final draft must be based on the template provided in the conference/journal website and used for Assessment 1. Need to submit the paper in: [1] Moodle (submit as a report on Turnitin) [2] Selected Eligible Conference/Journal. Assessment will be marked by the principal supervisor based on a pre-set rubric. |
During Week/Topic 12 |
50% |
1, 2, 3 |
Prescribed and Recommended Readings
Required Textbook(s): There is no required textbook for this unit. Please refer to the reference materials.
Reference Materials
Reference Book: Laplante, P.A. (2019) A Practical Guide for Engineers, Scientists, and Nontechnical Professionals. 2nd edition. CRC Press, Taylor & Francis, Florida USA. 13: 978-1-138-60696-8
A number of useful texts, peer-reviewed journals, and websites may be found online. Suitable information may also be found through the following resources:
Creating in-text citations and referencing lists in Word:
Conference vs journal papers:
Reference Manager Software options: (for constructing reference lists, bibliography)
EndNoteTM (
Students are free to use any other relevant reference manager software as per their preference.
Unit Content
Meetings 1 and 2: (To be completed by week/topic 4)
Meeting with supervisor/s to discuss and finalise the following items: research paper title, research plan, suitable conference/journal for publishing, and the due date of submission.
Meetings 3, 4, 5: (To be completed by week/topic 10)
Meeting with supervisor/s to discuss paper writing progress: e.g. Introduction, Literature search, Methodology, Experimentation, Discussions, Conclusions, Future Scope. Submit the draft paper when it is due.
Meetings 6 and 7: (To be completed by week/topic 12)
Final meetings with supervisor/s: Review, refine and submit the paper.
Software/Hardware Used
Software (Any one of these)
EndNoteTM (
Students are free to use any other relevant reference manager software as per their preference.
- N/A