Last Updated | S012019 |
Unit Code | ME503 |
Unit Duration | 12 weeks |
Award |
Graduate Diploma of Engineering (Industrial Automation)
Year Level | 1st |
Unit Creator / Reviewer | Dr. Srinivas Shastri /Hadi Harb |
Core/Sub-Discipline: | Core |
Pre/Co-requisites | None |
Credit Points |
Mode of Delivery | On-Campus or Online |
Unit Workload | 10 hours per week: Lecture - 1 hour Tutorial Lecture - 1 hour Practical / Lab - 1 hour (where applicable) Personal Study recommended - 7 hours (guided and unguided) |
Unit Description and General Aims
This subject aims to provide students with an in-depth knowledge of the techniques and technologies employed in the automated control of industrial processes. The subject combines the fundamentals of process identification and feedback control design with a broad understanding of the hardware, system architectures and software techniques widely used to implement control solutions. Students will acquire the ability to analyze control problems and create solutions based on the use of modelling techniques and well-established software tools. This ability will help to prepare the students for the advanced control topics to be covered later in the course.
Students will be able to describe the key features of control system equipment practices and their comparative investment costs as used in different sectors of industry. Control techniques for both continuous and batch process control will be covered, Students will undertake case studies to create and evaluate choices of system architectures and equipment solutions in terms of plant availability, initial cost and potential for improvements in plant performance indicators such as energy efficiency and production rates.
Student assessment
Assessment Type (e.g. Assignment - 2000 word essay (specify topic) Examination (specify length and format)) |
When assessed (e.g. After Topic 5) |
Weighting (% of total unit marks) | Learning Outcomes Assessed |
Assignment 1
After Topic 6 | 15% | 1, 2 |
Assignment 2 - Project Midterm
After Topic 8 | 25% | 1, 2, 3 |
Assignment 3
After Topic 11 | 15% | 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 |
Assignment 4 - Final Project (Typical thesis 4000 words, excluding references, figures and tables. If a continuation of the midterm, this should complete the report by adding sections on: workings, implementation, results, verification/validation, conclusion/challenges and recommendations/future work.)
Final Week | 40% | 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 |
Attendance / Tutorial Participation Example: Presentation, discussion, group work, exercises, self-assessment/reflection, case study analysis, application. |
Continuous | 5% |
Prescribed and Recommended Readings
Required textbook
- King. Process Control - A Practical Approach, 2nd Edition. John Wiley & Sons, 2016 – ISBN: 978-1-119-15774-8
- Altmann, D. Macdonald, Practical Process Control for Engineers and Technicians. Elsevier, 2005 – ISBN: 978-0-7506-6400-4
- Mandal, Ajit K.. Introduction to Control Engineering - Modeling, Analysis and Design (3rd Edition). New Academic Science, 2017 – ISBN: 978-1-78183-099-4
- Fadali, M. Sami Visioli, Antonio. Digital Control Engineering - Analysis and Design (2nd Edition). Elsevier, 2013 – ISBN: 978-0-12-394391-0
Recommended Reference Materials
- Engineering Standard ANSI/ISA-88 Part 1 or IEC 61512-1
- Engineering Standard ANSI/ISA-95 Part 1 or IEC 61512-1
- Connell, Basic Math for Process Control. ISA, 2003 – ISBN: 978-1-55617-813-9 (Available on Knovel)
- V. Dukkipati, MATLAB for Control System Engineers, 2nd Edition. New Academic Science, 2014 – ISBN: 978-1-78183-066-6
- L. Trevathan, A Guide to the Automation Body of Knowledge, 2nd Edition. ISA, 2006 – ISBN: 978-1-55617-984-6
- Number of journals and websites (advised during lectures).
- Examples of journals include
- Journal of Process Control
- Control (Electronic access via
Learning Outcomes
On successful completion of this subject/unit, students are expected to be able to:
- Discriminate between the key features of industrial control systems.
Bloom’s Level 5 - Apply mathematical modelling techniques to identify static and dynamic response characteristics of a continuous process.
Bloom’s Level 5 - Design a feedback control system for a continuous process using transfer functions and stability analysis methods.
Bloom’s Level 5 - Design a digital control system for a process using z-transform and discrete time system analysis.
Bloom’s Level 6 - Design a control system for a process using Fuzzy logic.
Bloom’s Level 6 - Describe and incorporate into relevant system designs the principles of batch process and manufacturing control system practices as recommended by International Standards ANSI/ISA- 88, and ANSI/ISA-95.
Bloom’s Level 5
Unit Content
One topic is delivered per contact week, with the exception of part-time 24-week units, where one topic is delivered every two weeks.
Topics 1
Control systems and their relationship to process operations
- Introduction to the purposes of industrial control systems and the role of the control system in achieving business objectives.
- Characteristic control system features in various industry sectors
- Process Variables, Manipulated Variables and Set Points
- Input/output relationships of typical process equipment modules: Tanks, Heat exchangers, reactors.
Topics 2
Process characteristics
- Process unit operations, flowcharts and the depiction of the control system.
- Overview of single control loops: level, temperature, pressure, and flow
- Linear differential equations and Introduction to process dynamics
- Overview of process characteristics: gain, dead time, response curve
Topics 3
First principle modelling
- The laws of Thermodynamics
- Concepts of heat and mass transfer
- Introduction to chemical reaction engineering
- First principle modelling
- Linearisation
Topics 4
Dynamics of continuous processes
- Laplace transform
- 1st and 2nd order processes.
- Transfer functions
Topics 5
Fundamentals of feedback control
- Poles and zeros
- Transfer functions and block diagrams
- Feedback control overview
Topics 6
Proportional Integral Derivative Control.
- PID control
- Effect of a proportional control action on a process
- Effect of integral control action on a process
- Offset in P control
Topics 7
Analysis and design of feedback control systems
Lab demonstrations and application software tools should be
used (MATLAB Control System Toolbox) in association
with this topic.
- Stability and dynamic behaviour of linear systems in feedback control.
- Design of feedback controllers
- Tuning feedback controllers
Topics 8
Frequency domain analysis
Lab demonstrations and application software tools should be used (MATLAB Control
System Toolbox) in association with this topic.
- Bode plot
- Bode stability criterion
- Nyquist stability criterion
Topics 9
Introduction to Digital Control Systems
- Discrete time systems
- Difference equations
- z-Transform
- Discretised PID controllers
Topics 10
Fuzzy Logic for Control Systems
- Fuzzy modelling and control
- Fuzzy sets and membership
- Fuzzy logic controllers
Topics 11
Automation system functions
- Introduction to safety critical control systems (Details in ME 508).
- Principles of batch process control based on (ANSI/ISA-88/IEC 61512)
- Introduction to Enterprise-Control System Integration (ANSI/ISA-95/IEC 62264)
- Human factors and ergonomic design
Topics 12
Project and Course Review
In the final week students will have an opportunity to review the contents covered so far. Opportunity will be provided for a review of student work, to clarify any outstanding issues, and to work on finalising the major assessment report.
Engineers Australia
The Australian Engineering Stage 1 Competency Standards for the Professional Engineer, approved as of 2013. This table is referenced in the mapping of graduate attributes to learning outcomes and via the learning outcomes to student assessment.
Stage 1 Competencies and Elements of Competency |
1. |
Knowledge and Skill Base |
1.1 |
Comprehensive, theory based understanding of the underpinning natural and physical sciences and the engineering fundamentals applicable to the engineering discipline. |
1.2 |
Conceptual understanding of the mathematics, numerical analysis, statistics, and computer and information sciences which underpin the engineering discipline. |
1.3 |
In-depth understanding of specialist bodies of knowledge within the engineering discipline. |
1.4 |
Discernment of knowledge development and research directions within the engineering discipline. |
1.5 |
Knowledge of engineering design practice and contextual factors impacting the engineering discipline. |
1.6 |
Understanding of the scope, principles, norms, accountabilities and bounds of sustainable engineering practice in the specific discipline. |
2. |
Engineering Application Ability |
2.1 |
Application of established engineering methods to complex engineering problem solving. |
2.2 |
Fluent application of engineering techniques, tools and resources. |
2.3 |
Application of systematic engineering synthesis and design processes. |
2.4 |
Application of systematic approaches to the conduct and management of engineering projects. |
3. |
Professional and Personal Attributes |
3.1 |
Ethical conduct and professional accountability. |
3.2 |
Effective oral and written communication in professional and lay domains. |
3.3 |
Creative, innovative and pro-active demeanour. |
3.4 |
Professional use and management of information. |
3.5 |
Orderly management of self, and professional conduct. |
3.6 |
Effective team membership and team leadership. |
Software/Hardware Used
- Software: Matlab (Toolboxes: Control System Toolbox, System Identification Toolbox, Statistics and Machine Learning Toolbox, Model Predictive Control Toolbox)
- Version: R2019a
- Instructions: Install the Student version on your computer OR use the software on Remote lab
- Additional resources or files: N/A
- N/A
Unit Changes Based on Student Feedback
1. A video recording to show how a Fuzzy Logic Controller can be designed using a software tool.
2. A video recording to show how to use the digital control principles when designing a controller.
3. A video showing a step-by-step feedback control design for a process similar to the ones done in the assessment.
4. MATLAB based demonstration presented during tutorials to guide students about design-based use cases for Industrial Process Control Systems.